2019-04-15 Rotating projects

Today I added a picture from a previous post to the About page for *Face Generator*, plus a copy of what it might look if you used the electronic process (in my example, using *Procreate* on the tablet).


As I was updating the documentation I started wondering... I have so many projects that I’m working on every now and then, with episodes of activity followed by years of silence, it’s amazing I get anything done, and that I’m not burning out. Why is that? I think two elements are key:

1. The projects are not very popular so unlike the big endeavours we see online, I have *slack*. I don’t mind the issues not getting worked on, I don’t mind the services being down, and nobody is giving me any shit about it because I only have a small number of users and most people are nice, anyway.

2. I have no problems giving projects away. I have written a lot of Emacs code over the years. Simple packages, one here, one there, not a lot in comparison to some very prolific writers, but enough for some of them to get lost. When people do come back to me with issues about software I no longer use, I’m open about it. “I’m sorry, I no longer use it. I will apply your fix, if you have one, or I can try and help you understand the problem and then you can fix it, or ideally you’d take over and I’ll be happy to point people your way. Please do!”

Sometimes I get mail regarding one of the projects I no longer maintain, and I sigh with relief as I know, somebody else is going take care of that. 🙂

​#RPG ​#Face Generator