2019-01-18 Sound Quality

Recently @Miredly had a few things to say about podcasting and recordings.


I asked whether there was a filter to get rid of smacking, gulping and all those anatomical sounds my phone picks up and she said that’s basically what you spend most of your time in audio post-production doing. Ouch!

She also said that I could cut out sibilance using EQ, but that in turn requires me to interactive determine the frequencies of my hissing and to cut just that particular band. Yikes!

And she told me to use a compressor. So that’s why I’m currently using the *Remove Clicks* and the *Compressor* plugins in *Audacity*. I’m using the default values because I don’t think that I want to spend that much time on the audio quality. I might as well buy a better microphone, first.

She recommends using *Reaper* instead of *Audacity* and I downloaded and installed it and it works on this Debian laptop. But in the end the font seemed tiny, everything seemed complicated and I already know a little bit of *Audacity* so I decided to postpone any decisions regarding the software. *Audacity* it is, for the moment. Talking about *Reaper*, she said: “It’s not as intuitive as something like Live (or even ProTools), but it definitely has all the tools you need built in, and supports VSTs. There are some really great VST compressors out there- I’m a big fan of TDR’s Kotelnikov compressor, and I know one of my favorite streamers (Sleepcycles) uses it in his live broadcast chain.” I definitely need to learn more!

​#Podcast ​#Audacity