2018-12-19 Podcasting

I’ve been listening to Judd Karlman’s podcast, Daydreaming about Dragons, and I liked the idea so much! Just pick up your phone and start talking. It seems that the Anchor app makes this really easy.

Judd Karlman

Daydreaming about Dragons


Check it out: Halberds and Helmets Podcast.

Halberds and Helmets Podcast

As for me, I just recorded a voice memo and mailed it to myself, wrote the XML by hand and made myself a little script to tag everything correctly.

XML by hand


I use `ffmpeg` to convert m4a to mp3. Quality is set to 7, which is pretty bad, but not too bad, and reduces the filesize from 24MB down to 5MB.

%.mp3: %.m4a
	ffmpeg -i "{body}lt;" -codec:v copy -codec:a libmp3lame -q:a 7 "$@"
	./tag "$@"

	rsync --rsh="ssh -p 882" *.mp3 *.xml \
	--archive --itemize-changes \


I tried to put this into the `Makefile` but all the escaping of the variables ended up not working. It’s simpler to just write a little `perl` script. It takes the track number from the filename and finds the appropriate `title` field in the XML file. That was the important part. This uses `id3v2` to do the tagging.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use XML::LibXML;
my $file = shift;
die "What file?\n" unless $file;
if ($file =~ /(\d+)/) {
  my $artist = "Alex Schroeder";
  my $album = "Halberds & Helmets";
  my $track = $1;
  my $genre = 101; # speech
  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
  $year += 1900;
  open my $fh, '<', 'hh.xml';
  binmode $fh;
  my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(IO => $fh);
  my $song = $dom->findvalue("//item[position()=$track]/title");
  qx(id3v2 --artist '$artist' --album '$album' --track '$track' --genre $genre --year $year --song '$song' $file);
  print(qx(id3v2 --list $file));



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

Excerpts of the first episode by Jeremy Friesen on his blog post, Helmets and Halberd Podcast.

Jeremy Friesen

Helmets and Halberd Podcast

– Alex Schroeder