@jynx mentioned a Gopher Atom feed again, and in fact he has had such a feed for his site for quite some time. And now I’m thinking of a gopher module for RSS 2.0 and I started writing up a specification.
I’m adding it to this wiki right now!
If you want to do the same, take a look at the code that generates your feed. Your feed is either a RSS feed, in which case it starts with an *rss* element, or it’s an Atom feed, in which case it starts with a *feed* element.
Basically you want to add the following:
Here’s an example from my site, using RSS 2.0. This is how my feed begins:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="https://alexschroeder.ch/css/alex-2018.css" ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:gopher="https://communitywiki.org/wiki/Gopher_Module_1.0" xmlns:wiki="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/wiki/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://web.resource.org/cc/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
The feed contains a *channel* element which remains unchanged and a bunch of *item* elements. These get a new *link* element with the “gopher” prefix I just defined.
Here’s an example from my feed:
<item> <title>Gopher Module</title> <link>https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/2018-11-27_Gopher_Module</link> <gopher:link>gopher://alexschroeder.ch/12018-11-27_Gopher_Module/menu</gopher:link> <guid>https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/2018-11-27_Gopher_Module</guid> <description>I'm thinking of a gopher module for RSS 2.0 and I started writing up a specification...</description> <pubDate>Tue, 27 Nov 2018 19:30:08 GMT</pubDate> <comments>https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/Comments_on_2018-11-27_Gopher_Module</comments> <dc:contributor>Alex Schroeder</dc:contributor> <wiki:status>updated</wiki:status> <wiki:importance>major</wiki:importance> <wiki:version>2</wiki:version> <wiki:history>https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki?action=history;id=2018-11-27_Gopher_Module</wiki:history> <wiki:diff>https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki?action=browse;diff=1;id=2018-11-27_Gopher_Module</wiki:diff> <category>Gopher</category> </item>
Now, if you have an Atom feed, it’s very similar. This time I’m going to use @jynx’s feed as an example.
First, he had to add the namespace to the root element. This is how his feed starts:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gopher="https://communitywiki.org/wiki/Gopher_Module_1.0">
And Atom feeds also have a list of items in their feed but now we’re looking for the element called *entry*. See how he added the gopher link:
<entry> <title># No days off for you </title> <id>tag:leveck.us,2017-08-10:/phlog/20170810.post</id> <author><name>Mr. Leveck</name><email>leveck@leveck.us</email></author> <link rel="alternate" type="text/plain" href="gopher://leveck.us/0/Phlog/20170810.post" /> <gopher:link href="gopher://leveck.us/0/Phlog/20170810.post" /> <updated>2017-08-10T00:00:00Z</updated> <content type="text"> <![CDATA[<pre># No days off for you Working a day off today... 74 hours last week, 54 this week, then four days off. I am damn ready to not wake up at 0335. </pre>]]> </content> </entry>
Obviously in his case there’s little incentive to actually use the gopher module as his site doesn’t have any web links! But still, this is how it would work.
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
In a later discussion, @tomasino convinced me, that this was unnecessary: why mix web links and gopher links? If you’re a web person, you want the web links and the HTML content; if you’re a gopher person, you want the gopher links and the text content.
– Alex Schroeder 2018-11-30 21:32 UTC