2018-11-20 No blocking on Diaspora

Two people in my Diaspora circles have said that they miss blocking. Apparently there’s *no way to block* somebody on Diaspora. We can debate all the technical ways this can be circumvented anyway, but the main point is that this seems to be a feature people expect. Too bad it isn’t there, yet. Is there a Diaspora roadmap somewhere?

Can blocking be abused? Probably. The culture wars are sad and I don’t know how blocking plays into it. I suspect it’s but a small cog in the war machine. And I know I used killfiles in the days of USENET and I use `/ignore` on IRC and so on. So… yes, *forgive and forget* and culture war and all that, but also mental health and having control over one’s environment.

As it is, the ability to *ignore* people Well, it’s not enough for me. If people get on my nerves, I don’t want to get notified by their comments, and ignore does that. I also don’t want to see their comments on the posts of our mutual connections, however.

Interesting discussion from 2011: Ban/block/mute user #1734. It’s strange to read the explanation regarding federation and knowing that it works well enough in Mastodon.

Ban/block/mute user #1734

​#Social Media ​#Pluspora


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Recently I saw lots of nutcase spam on @tim’s posts on Diaspora. When I asked him about it on Mastodon, he didn’t recognize any of it. Tim uses Hubzilla, and apparently he’s not seeing all the spam. I had to unfollow him on Diaspora because I can’t actually block the idiot, just “ignore” them, which doesn’t remove their spam from Tim’s posts. I think with that my Diaspora enthusiasm ended for good.


– Alex 2020-08-18