OK, so I want to *practice* typing using the Workman Keyboard Layout. But how to practice?
Recently, codesections@fosstodon.org had a post about typing lessons for programmers using GNU Typist. I also found that my distro also offers Speedpad, a sort of game. And that reminded me of Typing of the Dead, which inspired The Typing of Emacs, a game I once wrote.
T h e T y p i n g O f E m a c s . . . LEVEL 1: 3 SECONDS PER WORD! YOU HAVE 3 LIVES LEFT. elt - Wow! any - Hit! but - Go ahead! own - You can do it! nil - That's it! Done - done? - Desist! - 2 LIVES LEFT! such - You can do it! sort - Hit! made - Amazing! used - OK! which - yes! words - Hit! write - Excellent. parse - Wow! takes - Wow! format - Hit! Upcase - Updcase? - Nooooo! - 1 LIVES LEFT! random - YES! giving - gibuing? - Shame on you! - 0 LIVES LEFT! You have reached 180 characters per minute in 26 seconds by typing 18 words.
OK, but now I want to start working on the new *Workman* layout. Let’s see... I need a “ranking” so that I can start with some “easy” keys and make it progressively harder. Let’s take another look at the basic layer.
Here’s the plan:
1. start with the home row: just words containing ashtgyneoi
2. add some easy to reach keys, for example the three most easily reachable above the left and the right: adding drwfup
3. add the three most easily reachable below the left and the right: adding xmcl (ignoring the comma and dot for the moment)
4. all the letters
OK, so let’s prepare a file! Let’s use `-i` to ignore case. Use that Shift key!
grep -i '^[ashtgyneoi]*