2018-07-19 Bitlbee Mastodon More

I’ve added a `more` command to the Mastodon plugin for Bitlbee, and I fixed the `timeline` command.

the Mastodon plugin for Bitlbee

You should be able to use `more` after any `timeline` command, now. The `timeline` command takes a user account, a hash tag, or one of the named timelines, `local` and `federated`.

timeline kensanata
timeline #kensanata
timeline local
timeline federated

Currently, this code is on the `develop` branch, but it should move into `master` soon.

​#Bitlbee ​#Mastodon


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

And now I added `pin` and `unpin` commands. Any pair of commands with an API that follows this structure is super easy to add. It works exactly like `favourite` and `unfavourite`. I finished editing the issue at 13:53 and I checked in changes to the code and the documentation and closed the ticket at 14:08. This is perfect.

– Alex Schroeder 2018-07-23 14:12 UTC


And now I added a `notifications` command and I changed the `more` command to show more notifications, too.

– Alex Schroeder 2018-07-25 09:05 UTC


And I decided to tag this 1.3.0! New features are thus:

The client name was mispelled. It is now fixed: “bitlbee” instead of “biltbee”. This only gets used when you register, however. Thus, you would need to reset the hidden settings `consumer_key` and `consumer_secret` for your account from the command channel `&bitlbee`.

New features for 1.2.0 were:

New features for 1.1.0 were:

– Alex Schroeder 2018-07-25 20:56 UTC


I tagged 1.3.1! New features:

Please enjoy. 😄

– Alex Schroeder