2018-05-14 Advertising

I just read a blog post about the GDPR and ads that I would like to share. Somewhere in the middle there is this image.

a blog post


And below it: «It was a survey of ad industry people: “300+ publishers, adtech, brands, and various others…” Pause for a moment and look at that chart again. Nearly all those proffesionals in the business would not accept what their businesses do to other human beings.»

Pause for a moment, yes indeed.

And yes, I try to use ad blockers at all times.

​#Ads ​#GDPR ​#Privacy


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

From a toot on Mastodon I wrote: Changing jobs is hard and there is hardship all over the world. People working in adtech will suffer for sure and that makes me sad, yes. But they worked in *adtech*, tracking me, selling my data to the highest bidder, circumventing my blockers, inventing permanent cookies, exploiting the bugs in my browsers, they have been real and active enemies of my online life for a great many years and for this evil intent and their callousness I shudder in disgust.

– Alex Schroeder 2018-05-15 10:50 UTC


Some great messages in this thread ¹², and a link to If digital advertising sneezes, will content marketing catch a cold?



If digital advertising sneezes, will content marketing catch a cold?

– Alex Schroeder 2018-05-16 08:08 UTC


DSGVO-Beschwerden gegen Android, Instagram, Whatsapp und Facebook: Max Schrems legt los

– Alex Schroeder 2018-05-25 09:20 UTC


GDPR mayhem: Programmatic ad buying plummets in Europe.

GDPR mayhem: Programmatic ad buying plummets in Europe

– Alex Schroeder 2018-05-26 21:44 UTC