On Windows with Cygwin, image viewers do not work without X11. So what was I to do for VF-1? If I used a native Winows application, it was unable to deal with the Cygwin file name. Argh! I needed a middle man that handles this for me.
I created `~/.config/vf1/vf1rc` and added the following:
handler image/* paint %s
I have added `~/bin` to my `$PATH` and created `~/bin/paint` as follows:
#!/bin/bash IMG=$(echo $1 | sed -e "s/\/cygdrive\/c/C:/") if (file $IMG | grep -q "PNG image data"); then mv "$IMG" "$IMG.png" IMG=$IMG.png elif (file $IMG | grep -q "JPEG image data"); then mv "$IMG" "$IMG.jpg" IMG=$IMG.jpg fi echo Opening $IMG exec "C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/PaintDotNet.exe" "$IMG"
And now images open in Paint.NET. 😄
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
cygpath might also be helpful here!
– Aaron 2018-02-16 16:25 UTC
Oh! I was unaware of this utility. This is exactly what I need, thanks!
– Alex Schroeder 2018-02-16 21:00 UTC