I just saw this comic about cancer on XKCD and it hit me were it hurts.
XKCD comic about surviving cancer and not knowing for how long
Even when you survive cancer, the fear remains. Every time the checks come around, the fear returns. Every little thing that hurts, the fear is still there. Whenever people make plans for the future, you wonder whether there is a future for you, or your loved ones. Whenever people complain, you think to yourself, well at least they’re alive. Cancer. Cancer. Cancer. It’s everywhere. You start talking about it and then you start hearing about it. You start thinking about all the people that aren’t there to tell you about cancer because they’re already dead. Our world is the greatest survivor bias there is. And yet, there is no other way to live. There is no other life. You get what you get and that’s that. Nobody deserves it. But the fear remains.
#Love #Life #Cancer