2017-11-14 CSS Naked Day

I should write an Oddmuse module for CSS Naked Day (April 9).

CSS Naked Day

I wrote about this back in 2007 and never thought of it again. If I had a module, I’d get reminded of it, every April.

back in 2007

Today I was reminded of it because my browser at the office has 11 tabs with Wikipedia pages. I plugged in the laptop after yesterday’s meeting elsewhere, opened the browser, and the 11 tabs came back—but without styling! I had forgotten to plug in the networking cable and apparently Chrome caches the Wikipedia HTML but not the Wikipedia CSS.

Anyway, the code would be something like this:

$ModulesDescription .= '<p><a href="https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/2017-11-14_CSS_Naked_Day">No CSS Day</a></p>';

sub NoCssNewGetCss {
  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($Now);
  # $mon: April is 3
  if ($mday == 9 and $mon == 3) {
    return '';
  } else {
    return NoCssOldGetCss(@_);


Also, I had never heard of the term “international day” before. The code on the CSS Naked day website has a funkier test than mine above and here’s why:

CSS Naked Day lasts for one international day. Technically speaking, it will be “April 9th” somewhere in the world for 48 hours. This is to ensure that everyone’s website will be publicly nude for the entire world to see at any given time during April 9. ¹


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