2017-07-18 Building a Dungeon

A player of a wizard told me his wizard was going to build a secret dungeon under his tower back in town. I suggested rolling 2d6 + Int bonus for planning on the following table:

| 2d6+Int |             Result             |
|       2 | miserable planning, breaking   |
|         | through the ceiling of         |
|         | the sewers, 1 in 6 chance      |
|         | of discovery by unsavory       |
|         | characters every week, for     |
|         | four weeks (patching it up is  |
|         | hard)                          |
| 3-5     | bad hiring decisions or        |
|         | insufficient bribes, rumors    |
|         | start spreading about a        |
|         | digging operation in your      |
|         | street, 1 in 6 chance          |
|         | of discovery by unsavory       |
|         | characters, just once          |
| 6-8     | cramped digging conditions,    |
|         | paying bribes, hiring          |
|         | cutthroats, but it works as    |
|         | planned                        |
| 9-11    | good planning, smooth sailing  |
|      12 | lucky break, ancient plans     |
|         | you managed to procure from    |
|         | dwarven miners deciphered      |
|         | and access to one of the       |
|         | old dwarven vaults secured     |
|         | and integrated into the        |
|         | construction; add three secret |
|         | doors and three traps for free |

He got “good planning, smooth sailing” I didn’t have to create a rooster of unsavory characters.