2016-12-15 Mac OS Sierra Upgrade

Yesterday I decided to risk the upgrade to Sierra for our old MacBook Pro. Started it before going to bed. It seems stuck on a grey sceeen at about 95%. Command-L shows nothing but gives a little beep.

I’ve seen people claim it can take up to 16h. ¹ Apparently, being low on disk space can contribute to the problem. Sadly, this might be the issue I’m having.


For the moment I’ll leave it running while I’m in the office because occasionally I still hear the hard drive clicking so it seems that it’s still doing *something*.



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

It must be about 24h later. Progress bar at 95% or so. I pressed the power button.

The I pressed it longer, forcing it to power down. Powered it up again. Still nothing. Empty progress bar.

Forced it to power down again, pressed Shift while powering up again. Still nothing.

Did it again. No change. I still get the grey screen with the dark grey apple. I hear the disk being active. Other than that, no change. This is disheartening. I’m going to let it run for a bit.

A minute passes. Suddenly the progress bar moves fro. 0 to 100% and I get a login screen!!

Wow, I’m going to reboot, just to be sure.

Oh, I get the grey screen with the dark grey apple, again. And a progress bar, slowly creeping up past 40%, 50%, 60%, ...

And—it worked! I’m back!


alex@Megabombus:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2    233G  208G   25G  90% /

So, not enough free disk space seems unlikely?

– Alex Schroeder 2016-12-15 21:04 UTC


Next: Upgrading Homebrew.

alex@Megabombus:~$ brew upgrade
Error: undefined local variable or method `formula' for #<Formulary::TapLoader:0x007ff49daee9a0>

I suspected something regarding git and tried a lot of stuff which I think boiled down to the following:

alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ cd $(brew --prefix)
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local$ cd Homebrew/
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 9cd5a21 Merge pull request #1669 from vladshablinsky/fix_method_deprecated
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ brew update
Already up-to-date.
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ brew upgrade
Error: Calling Formula.sha1 is disabled!
Use Formula.sha256 instead.
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/larsimmisch/homebrew-avr/avr-binutils.rb:7:in `<class:AvrBinutils>'
Please report this to the larsimmisch/avr tap!
If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ brew untap  larsimmisch/avr
Untapping larsimmisch/avr... (34 files, 26.0K)
Untapped 3 formulae
alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ brew upgrade
Updating Homebrew...
==> Upgrading 76 outdated packages, with result:
asciidoc 8.6.9_1, atk 2.22.0, bdw-gc 7.6.0, boost 1.62.0, cairo 1.14.8, cairomm 1.12.2, cmake 3.7.1, coreutils 8.26, dirmngr 1.1.1_2, eigen 3.3.1, railwaycat/emacsmacport/emacs-mac emacs-25.1-z-mac-6.1, espeak 1.48.04_1, exiftool 10.36, fdupes 1.6.1, fftw 3.3.5, gcc 6.2.0, gdk-pixbuf 2.36.1, git 2.11.0, glib 2.50.2, glibmm 2.50.0, gnupg2 2.0.30_2, gnutls 3.4.17, go 1.7.4, gobject-introspection 1.50.0, gpg-agent 2.0.30_1, homebrew/dupes/grep 2.27, gsl 2.3, gtk+ 2.24.31, gtkmm 2.24.5, harfbuzz 1.3.4, hunspell 1.5.4, icu4c 58.1, imagemagick 6.9.6-8, jasper 2.0.8, jpegoptim 1.4.4, keybase 1.0.18, libass 0.13.4, libassuan 2.4.3_1, libgcrypt 1.7.5, libgpg-error 1.25, libksba 1.3.5, libsigc++ 2.10.0, libvpx 1.6.0, little-cms2 2.8, llvm 3.9.0, lua 5.2.4_4, mpfr 3.1.5, mutt 1.7.2, nmap 7.31, node 7.2.1, homebrew/python/numpy 1.11.2, open-mpi 2.0.1, homebrew/science/opencv, openjpeg 2.1.2, homebrew/dupes/openssh 7.3p1, openssl 1.0.2j, opus 1.1.3, orc 0.4.26, p11-kit 0.23.2_1, p7zip 16.02, pandoc 1.19.1, pango 1.40.3, pangomm 2.40.1, pngcrush 1.8.10, poppler 0.49.0, python 2.7.12_2, python3 3.5.2_3, readline 7.0.1, sane-backends 1.0.25_1, smartmontools 6.5, sqlite 3.15.2, homebrew/fuse/sshfs 2.8, wxmac 3.0.2_4, x264 r2728, x265 2.1, youtube-dl 2016.12.12


Also note:

==> Installing gcc
Warning: Building gcc from source:
  The bottle needs the Xcode CLT to be installed.

The problem is that we have Xcode but we don’t have the Command Line Tools (CLT). The answer is:

alex@Megabombus:/usr/local/Homebrew (stable $)$ xcode-select --install
xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools

Follow the prompts.

– Alex Schroeder 2016-12-15 21:42 UTC