2016-11-02 Ettin


Ettins. Fighting machines of *death by club*. Sometimes the bickering heads can provide for an interesting conversation. What else is there to ettins? I’ve used them now and again. What about you?

​#Monsters ​#Old School ​#RPG


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I always thought they were giant orcs - and like orcs a corruption and the gods’ defamation of humanity. Ettin’s aren’t stupid perhaps, but confused, tormented, at war with themselves and hence only at peace when the basic needs of their shared body bring them together in hunger, self-defense or rage.

Now though? Never really used an Ettin, would just use Hill Giant Stats and add an attack - would include multi-headed giants to make giants more brutish and squicky. Like the ’ogres’ of legend. Just mix giants, ogres and and Ettin or two together into a sort of monstrous clan of the polluted wastes.

– Gus L 2016-11-03


Thinking about it, I never had Ettins in any of my games... Maybe I should change that!

– Florian Hübner 2016-11-03


I’ve used Ettins in my new *Drei Wälder* campaign, based on the Hex Describe tables. Ettins are one of the monsters that can be found outside of small villages. I felt they made an excellent monster for a campaign start: probably easy to avoid, easy to placate, but always an annoyance and eventually an opportunity for payback. And so it was. After a few sessions they finally attacked it and beat it.

Hex Describe

– Alex Schroeder 2020-06-07 19:37 UTC