2016-10-22 Crocodile


Crocodiles make river crossings tricky when in warmer climates. At least that’s how I ran my Lenap games (*Wilderlands of High Fantasy*). Considering some crocodile documentary my wife saw, I think it makes sense that you only ever “encounter” 1 crocodile. You may be seeing thousands of them, but if one of them attacks, the other are not going to join in the fray. And that’s why there is strength in numbers against crocodiles. Once you beat back the attacker, the other crocodiles will be picking its carcass over you and your friends. What do you think, in case you know something interesting about crocodiles? At first I also felt like writing something about dinosaurs but then I decided that modeling all dinosaur stats on crocodiles is as dumb as modeling all mammal stats on lions. Boring!

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