2016-05-22 Running

I’m trying to start training for a longer running project: I want to run the 300km Jura-Höhenweg (national trail #5). If I want to run two or three days in a row, I need to be able to run 10 to 20 km for three days in a row. Time to start practicing!


I’ve created a log file (a simple text file using Org mode for Emacs), I’m uploading data to the site tied to my wife’s watch (a Polar 3RC GPS), polarpersonaltrainer.com. I really don’t like all this proprietary stuff. What if they close it down? What if their WebSync app no longer works? (If you run into the problem that WebSync won’t install on your Mac because it is the product of an unidentified developer, you might be interested in learning more about Gatekeeper and ways around it.)

Org mode for Emacs


So, here’s what I did: I exported the GPX data from the Polar site and imported it to OpenStreetMap. Yay! The OpenStreetMap copyright page has some information about the license. But... I was unable to find a display of my trace with the map in the background. No way to create a useful screenshot for this blog.

OpenStreetMap copyright page

And so I returned to the Polar site, which uses Google. And studied their terms of use, and clicked through to their permissions page and more about naming. I think I should be fine if I keep their copyright statement at the bottom, as far as I can tell.

terms of use

permissions page

more about naming

Shot 2016-05-22 at 21.39.28.png https://alexschroeder.ch/pics/running/Screen%20Shot%202016-05-22%20at%2021.39.28.png

Today I found this question in the FAQ: How can I display a GPS trace on a real map? Apparently, a quick way to do it is to open the trace in the map editor. They hope that you’ll use the trace to improve the map, of course. Let’s see whether I’ll be joining the mapping community. 😄

How can I display a GPS trace on a real map?


© OpenStreetMap contributors

to Bonstetten.png https://alexschroeder.ch/pics/running/Altstetten%20to%20Bonstetten.png


​#Running ​#Copyright