2016-05-15 Gmail, Gnus, GPG Guide Update

I updated my Gmail, Gnus, GPG Guide. It now includes all the stuff about setting up the GPG Agent.

Gmail, Gnus, GPG Guide

The GPG Agent is a service that will remember your passphrase for a short while. If you don’t use it, Gnus will ask you for your passphrase for every backend it uses (because it needs to log in) and for every encrypted mail you read and for every encrypted mail you send. You’ll be typing your passphrase a lot. You want to use it.

Please let me know if you tried to follow the instructions and it didn’t work. I’d like to make the instructions very easy to follow and troubleshoot. So if you missed something and ran into errors, I’d still like to know so that I can start adding typical problems people might have and how to resolve them.

And finally, feel free to test this system by sending me encrypted email! See Contact for more.


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