2015-08-15 Rules in Use
For a while now I’ve noticed a strange fact:
- Shields Shall be Splintered! is not being used. People will quickly turn to our Death and Dismemberment table and forget about the shields. I like this change. One of the rules that should go.
- I don’t think we’ve ever used my d30 list of random hirelings in the past. Recently, a player sent me an email and said he wanted to spend those 10gp in order to attract 1d6 potential hirelings. The way I’ve run this is that it works once per session, so every session, the party can hire 1d6 hirelings. Should I have allowed every player character to hire 1d6 hirelings? If so, why limit the number of hirelings in the first place, there might as well be infinitely many. I think I’m going to stick to this rule. I’ll have to check that table of d30 potential hirelings, though. This list needs to be adapted to the campaign!
- The only special weapon rule I’ve used is the two-handed sword allowing you to counter-attack all enemies with a single die roll. If two troglodytes attacked you, you can roll your attack and if it hits, those two troglodytes will be hit. This seems to be the simplest implementation of “all within range” and faster (and more useful) than “keep attacking if your last attack killed a creature” (also known as *cleave*). I’m still amenable to using *cleave* instead.
Shields Shall be Splintered!
Death and Dismemberment
#RPG #Old School