2015-06-24 Emacs Live

I’ve been trying to switch from my own Emacs setup to Emacs Live. Some things are great. Some things... I don’t know. They need a lot of getting used to.

Emacs Live

I’ve created my own pack in `~/elisp/alex-pack`.

In `~/.emacs-live.el`:

(live-add-packs '(~/elisp/alex-pack))

Paredit is messing with how I navigate using Control + Arrow Keys.

In my own pack, `~/elisp/alex-pack/init.el`:

(dolist (x '(scheme emacs-lisp lisp clojure))
  (let ((hook (intern (concat (symbol-name x) "-mode-hook"))))
    (set hook (delq 'enable-paredit-mode (symbol-value hook)))))

Delete Trailing Whitespace Mode deleted some non-breaking spaces in my SVG document. This may be an indication that I should write better SVG.

In my own pack, `~/elisp/alex-pack/init.el`:

(setq before-save-hook
      (delq 'live-clenup-whitespace before-save-hook))

Changing how C-h works. Help is now on M-h. I’ll adapt. Except I’ve found modes where M-h does `describe-mode` and that confuses me. I think I’m going to stop using the bindings pack provided by Emacs Live.

In `~/.emacs-live.el`:

(setq live-packs (delete "stable/bindings-pack" live-packs))

Ispell no longer shows any content in the `*Choices*` buffer/window. What’s up?

I have trouble accessing the file open history using `<up>` or `M-p`. Similarly, I can’t edit the filename using `<left>` or `<right>`. What’s up? I think I’m going to disable Ido mode for `find-file`.

In my own pack, `~/elisp/alex-pack/init.el`:

(ido-mode 'buffers)

I like the some of the fontification, but it turns out that I’m starting to confuse the Emacs frame with terminal windows. So I think I’m going to stop using the colour pack provided by Emacs Live.

In `~/.emacs-live.el`:

(setq live-packs (delete "stable/colour-pack" live-packs))
