2015-02-07 Megadungeon Prep


1. *Monsters* need highlighting such that I can quickly answer questions such as “who would join the fight upon hearing the noise of combat?” and such that I can quickly resolve random encounters such as “pick a monster from a nearby room” and such that prisoners can provide can answer questions such as “who else lives here?”

2. *Entries and exits* need highlighting such that I can quickly give answers if player characters interrogate prisoners.

3. *Treasure* needs highlighting in case the characters get the ability to detect gold or gems, and also for prisoners to possibly provide answers to such questions.

Highlighting also keeps me busy as I read the text. After all, these texts are usually boring compared to people talking on the Internet. Highlighting helps me stay *focused*.

Tags. Colors. Use it.

Also note this post: 2013-12-13 Session Preparation Process.

2013-12-13 Session Preparation Process

​#RPG ​#Old School ​#Megadungeons ​#Prep


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

Just a note to let you know, I saved this as a .pdf in my Megadungeon Folder to keep in mind when laying out Numenhalla.

– -C 2015-02-09 09:04 UTC
