2015-01-08 The Passage of Time
Some interesting links I saw in recent days regarding “YOU CAN NOT HAVE A MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGN IF STRICT TIME RECORDS ARE NOT KEPT” (AD&D 1st ed DMG, page 37).
- Timeliness is next to Godliness. Meaning is created by actions having consequences follow *in time*. You need a definition for how time flows in your campaign for this unfold.
- Time, Resources & Everything. The difference between the Gygaxian Model mentioned above and the Bergsonian Model. The Bergsonian model is where some unit like a *turn* or a *round* is just the opportunity for certain things to happen. The exact length of time doesn’t matter.
- Hazard System v0.2. Like the Bergsonian Model mentioned above, but adding a procedure: Certain turns carry a risk: Roll 1d6 and complications happens on a 1, complications announce themselves on a 2, recovery will be made more difficult on a 3.
- Torchbearer impressions. A game that is all about resource management and the grind. I didn’t like it when we tried it.
Timeliness is next to Godliness
Time, Resources & Everything
Hazard System v0.2
Torchbearer impressions
when we tried it