2015-01-06 B/X D&D

I posted this before, on Google+, but in the long term, keeping a copy on the blog makes better sense.

If you ever wanted to print B/X D&D in a single volume hardcover, this is how you would do it. As always, the expensive part will be shipping (to Switzerland at least). Here are the numbers for two hardcover copies, sent to Switzerland, including the discount for creators.

|   What    | How much?  |
| B/X D&D   | 2 × $14.61 |
| Subtotal  | $29.22     |
| Discounts | $5.84      |
| Shipping  | $10.78     |
| Tax       | $0.00      |
| Total     | $34.16     |

You get the two PDFs and merge them, deleting the pages you don’t want, rearranging some, etc. I did this using Preview on a Mac, but CutePDF might do this for Windows, for example. Mine had 132 pages in the end. Don’t forget to replace the index with the *combined* index. I forgot this, unfortunately. Then you create a private Lulu project and upload both this PDF and the *cover image*, and order a copy for yourself. Copyright law prevents you from making this project available to others, unfortunately.


If Lulu says it can’t work with the PDF, then you need to remove the protection (curse you, DRM!). I found the simplest solution to be a “print to PDF” step. Just make sure you get the paper size right. I used “US Letter” size and no scaling. This resulted in some area along the edge of the page being cut. This included the watermark being cut, which I thought was great.


Covers by Jeremy Deram

Combined index by Paul Gorman


​#RPG ​#Old School