2013-04-22 PiMAME


Install PiMAME on a 4Gb card. Setup bluetooth keyboard like 2013-04-21 Raspberry Pi.


2013-04-21 Raspberry Pi

1. sudo apt-get update

2. sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman xboxdrv

3. sudo apt-get upgrade

4. sudo apt-get autoremove

5. sudo apt-get clean

6. hcitool scan → gets you the magic number

7. sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 E8:06:88:38:C6:2F

1. 0000 + Return in the ssh term

2. 0000 + Return on the Bluetooth keyboard we’re pairing

8. sudo bluez-test-device trusted E8:06:88:38:C6:2F yes

9. sudo bluez-test-input connect E8:06:88:38:C6:2F

10. sudo vi _etc_defaults/keyboard:

1. XKBMODEL=”apple” → Apple keyboard

2. XKBLAYOUT=”ch” → Swiss German layout

11. sudo vi _boot_config.txt → my Sony Bravia

1. disable_overscan=1

2. overscan_left=53

3. overscan_right=50

4. overscan_top=28

5. overscan_bottom=22

Quit the menu using option 9 and run the the following command instead:

`sudo xboxdrv -s -- sudo -u pi python /home/pi/pimame_files/menu.py`

1. run MAME using option 1

2. pick a ROM from the list and hit Return (at first you should have just one ROM)

3. player 1 insert coin using the key ’6’

4. player 1 start the game using the key ’1’

This “works” but I have severe calibration issues. Poor Gridlee ends up in the top left corner and has a hard time moving anywhere at all. Ugh!

​#Raspberry Pi