2012-12-12 An Echo Resounding Summary

I need a simple one page summary of An Echo Resounding for the players in my game.

An Echo Resounding

Every *location* on the map can have *values*. These are measured in three categories: *military*, *wealth* and *social*. These values are provided by different kinds of *assets*.

1. *customs* cannot be changed: the people living in a particular location might have a *spartan culture* resulting in a military value of 4

2. *buildings* can be built and torn down: *barracks* provide a military value of 2

3. *processes* can be implemented and aborted: *military spending* converts the wealth of a location to military value at a rate of 2:1

Some buildings a domain might start building:

||||Values| ||||:--:| |Asset|M|W|S| |Barracks|2|–|–| |Palisade|2|–|–| |School|–|2|–| |Market|–|2|–| |Shrine|–|–|2| |Militia|1|–|–|

Yes, since the militia can’t move, it essentially acts like a building: an immobile asset.

Total up all the value provided by the assets in your domain.

Compare your domain’s values to the upkeep cost of all the *units* in your domain. Units are usually mobile and consist of roughly a hundred individuals.

Some military units:

|      Unit      | HD | AC |  MV  | Attacks | SV | ML |  Upkeep  |    Traits     |
| Light Infantry |  1 |  7 | 120’ | 1d6     | F1 |  7 | 1M 1W 0S | Spear Tactics |
| Heavy Infantry |  2 |  4 | 90’  | 1d8     | F2 |  8 | 2M 2W 0S |
| Ape Soldiers   |  4 |  6 | 120’ | 1d8     | F2 |  7 | 3M 3W 0S |

Every month, the player domain gets *two domain moves*. The ones with emphasis are the important ones.

1. *attack a location* (with units)

2. disband an asset

3. *establish an asset* (requires three successful checks: difficulty is 12 + sum of the values provided, roll d20 + bonus based on your domain’s existing values, all difficulties go down by one with each failed roll)

4. establish or erase a location (on the map)

5. *move a unit*

6. punish atrocity (needs scapegoat)

7. rectify disruption (removes 1d4+2 points of disruption)

8. repair an asset (heal units for many hit-points as the domain has military value, distribute at will, scarce units require 2:1 and rare units require 4:1)

9. *solve an obstacle* (requires a unit of a particular type at hand to reduce the local obstacle by 1d4 on a successful saving throw + bonus based on your domain’s appropriate value, see table below; failed saves result in a point of disruption)

10. withdraw treasure

Your domain’s values may also provide a bonus for the domain moves described above:

| Value | Bonus |
| 0–5   | +0    |
| 6–10  | +1    |
| 11–15 | +2    |
| 16–20 | +3    |
| +5    | +1    |

The various kinds of obstacles and which units are best used to solve them:

|  Obstacle  | Value Type |       Unit        |
| Disorder   | Military   | Guardsmen         |
| Uprising   | Military   | any military unit |
| Poverty    | Wealth     | Merchant          |
| Ignorance  | Wealth     | Sage              |
| Despair    | Social     | Prophet           |
| Corruption | Social     | Magistrate        |

Military units were listed above. The other unit types also have upkeep costs:

|    Unit    |  MV  | SV |  Upkeep  |
| Merchant   | 120’ | T1 | 0M 2W 0S |
| Sage       | 120’ | M1 | 0M 2W 0S |
| Prophet    | 120’ | C1 | 0M 0W 2S |
| Magistrate | 120’ | T1 | 0M 0W 2S |

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