2012-11-26 Caverns of Slime


A long time ago, I wrote Caverns of Slime for Fight On! #14. Lior Wehrli pushed me to be more experimental with dreams and visions. Thank you! At the time, some brave souls drew very nice pictures to go along with this dungeon level. Thank you very much, Ndege Diamond and Kelvin Green. As it seems that Fight On is on a *de facto* hiatus, I’m going to make the Caverns of Slime “public”. Thus, if you’re interested in dungeon level 13 of the Fight On! megadungeon *Darkness Beneath*, there you go. 🙂

Caverns of Slime

Fight On

Lior Wehrli

Ndege Diamond

Kelvin Green


When I asked for an editor on the forum, Chris Roberts volunteered. English not being my first language, I felt that getting an editor is very important. Having acted as an editor myself (Stonehell, Theorems & Thaumaturgy), I know how boring it can be and how much discipline it requires. So, thank you very much for volunteering!

Chris Roberts


Theorems & Thaumaturgy

As the editing process got underway, we moved from the wiki to Open Office, and that’s why the PDF version differs from web version. The PDF is available as well, of course. There is a ton of advice on how to do layout out there, but I also have finite patience and skill. I guess I’ll keep returning to the PDF every now and then. Something about the ease of editing makes me want to stick to the wiki when updating the adventure. Perhaps all I will need to do, however, is make sure the PDF looks good as I add another picture or two. Having more pictures is always a good thing.

PDF is available

a ton of advice on how to do layout

The wiki version is more radical in its approach to emphasis: it uses a lot more *bold* to draw the referee’s attention to what I felt was important. For the PDF, this was toned down. If you, gentle reader, have an opinion on the generous use of bold, please leave a comment.

When I wrote *Caverns of Slime*, I tried to follow my own advice on how to design a high level dungeon. Unfortunately, I only got to play test parts of it. If you ever use it or parts of it, leave a comment. I’d love to hear how it went—and maybe we could make changes to the dungeon and keep making it better and better.

follow my own advice on how to design a high level dungeon

The same is true for more art: If you ever draw something from the big list, I’d love to add it! At the time I suggested the following items to Calithena—perhaps the list will help you decide whether the Caverns of Slime is something you’d be interested in running.

from the big list

(The pieces that I have are marked up using strike out in the list above.)

​#RPG ​#Old School ​#Caverns of Slime


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

I also sent a message to ant on the forum for this awesome piece.

this awesome piece

– Alex


I will also release FO material I’ve finished if circumstances remain the same. I have the entire Dark Troll Citadel ready to be keyed; I don’t think it should be omitted from the mega-dungeon.

– Lee B 2012-11-26 18:10 UTC

Lee B


If all the authors did it, we could publish Fight On! #14 while Calithena recuperates. 😄

– Alex Schroeder 2012-11-27

Alex Schroeder


So is it dead in the water then?

– AndreasDavour 2012-11-26 19:52 UTC



I don’t know, really. From the outside, it looks as if Calithena is still around, but other priorities have taken over. I think it’s quite understandable and our misfortune is that Fight On! doesn’t have a dedicated team that can take over. A single person effort also has a single point of failure. It would seem to me that we’d need a handful of people to help out or take over.

– Alex Schroeder 2012-11-26 23:00 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Calithena seems to be back! Excellent news indeed. 👌 😄

Calithena seems to be back

– Alex Schroeder 2012-11-30 21:27 UTC

Alex Schroeder