2012-05-24 Kind of Bloop

I recently found some **8bit Radiohead** on YouTube and liked it. It reminded me of my interest in the High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) a few years ago.

The HVSC is “a Commodore 64 music collection” and apparently “one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.” Whatever that means! It’s full of 8bit music, anyway. Just like the micromusic.net site; a Swiss label or platform. I *think* I got my first copy of the HVSC from a Micromusic CD. Anyway, I was a different kind of nerd back then.


I posted a comment regarding the 8bit Radiohead albums on YouTube (I usually avoid reading YouTube comments like the plague) and got pointed at **Kind of Bloop**, an 8bit tribute to **Miles Davis**.

When I saw 8bit Miles Davis I remembered having read about it somewhere. I just found it again: A lengthy blog post regarding the **copyright of the cover art** – see Kind of Screwed and follow the link to the *Kind of Bloop* site if you’re interested in listening in or buying the album for $5. I think it’s *Kind of Awesome!* 😀

Kind of Screwed
