2011-06-08 Importance of Facebook

What is Facebook for? I use it to keep in touch with a new category of relations. Before Facebook, I had family, friends, acquaintances, and people I lost contact with. With Facebook, there’s a new category between acquaintances and people I lost contact with – now there is a very faint link online. This category of “online friend” is for people I have never met, people from work – and since I’m not a person that likes making phone calls – it is also for friends that have moved away or family that lives abroad. And I’m ok with that. 😄

That doesn’t mean I like the various ways in which my privacy is being invaded. 🙁

​#Life ​#Web


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Viva freedom box.

freedom box

– AaronHawley 2011-06-08 20:33 UTC
