Currently Wikileaks is doing the United States diplomatic cables leak. At the same time, Julian Assange was arrested on rape charges, and companies like Paypal, Mastercard, VISA, and Swiss Postfinance kicked out Wikileaks. Shame on them!
United States diplomatic cables leak
All of this seems to be the world adjusting to a coming [TransparentSociety Transparent Society]. This is also a book by [DavidBrin David Brin] where he argues that currently those with lots of resources have the means to invade your privacy, that in the old days there was very little privacy, that therefore privacy was maybe a doomed concept, and what sort of alternative would we want. The *transparent society* is a society where privacy is lost in *both directions*. Not only can you spy on other people using public cameras – other people will also be able to see that you spied on them. Hopefully that would level the field somewhat.
As companies are spying on us as we surf the web using cookies such as the Evercookie, javascript, and prepared Flash animations; as governments force providers to keep logs of our online activities; as biometric data in our passports keep invading our privacy, we adapt. We don’t mind. But we presume to look back at the big corporations, to leak their secrets, to expose their corruption, their double speak, their lies.
I’m with Wikileaks.
#USA #Wikileaks
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Ich auch ... dann könntest du ja auch den Link vom Kopp-Verlag so weit und so oft es geht veröffentlichen. Ich habe nicht die rede dafür. Es muss herausgefunden werden, ob die 2 Mädels für ihre aussagen bezahlt werden, oder ob Assange sich wirklich falsch benommen hat. Denn diese Sache bringt ihn hinter Gitter, nicht unbedingt Wikilieaks 😉.
– mama 2010-12-12 13:33 UTC
Naomi Wolf on rape, justice and Julian Assange – sad in its own right. 😟
Naomi Wolf on rape, justice and Julian Assange
– Alex
Pressefreiheit gilt auch für Assange.
Pressefreiheit gilt auch für Assange
– Alex Schroeder 2019-04-11 12:22 UTC