2010-11-08 Review of Fight On Magazine Issue 9 Part 2

This is a continuation from part 1, a review of Fight On! magazine issue #9.

part 1

Fight On

We’re going through the issue article by article...

⚠ ☠ ⚠ **!!! Spoilers ahead !!!** ⚠ ☠ ⚠


Jeff Rients

Backswords & Bucklers

Swords & Wizardry: Whitebox


Searches of the Unknown

dozen or more variants


I noted several typos on a first reading, but having done some editing for free I know how boring it is and cannot get my self to complain about it. Sure, it’d be nice to fix them all, but I’m not volunteering!

​#RPG ​#Review ​#Fight On ​#Old School


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Also published on EN World.

published on EN World

– Alex Schroeder 2010-11-08 00:33 UTC

Alex Schroeder