2010-11-01 Character Generation Shortcuts Reviewed

About a year ago I wrote about character generation shortcuts and half a year later I provided an expanded list as a PDF file, and eventually a slightly modified version of it ended up in Fight On issue #10. Today I saw that the bitter ranting madman of Your Dungeon Is Suck reviewed it and said the following:

character generation shortcuts

provided an expanded list as a PDF file

Fight On

Your Dungeon Is Suck

*‘Fast Company’* – Useless: if your players’ creative abilities reach their limit during chargen, get new players.

In a sense, he’s right.

I think the table still works in a *convention* context, where you want to *show off character generation* instead of coming with a handful of pregenerated characters. Part of what I’m trying to achieve at a convention is show people how flexible the old rules are. You can go a long way with just three classes, and instead of saying it, I can have people roll on the tables and they’ll experience it. At least I hope they will.

Plus: I like the challenge of *random character generation*. As such, random backgrounds and traits are just one more trick to get my creative juices flowing, just like random hats at character generation.

random hats at character generation

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