2010-10-13 No More Book Club
- Sigh. I did not like doing this. I have decided to leave the BookClub I’ve been a part of for so long. I took it over from Geetha years ago. The books picked were a challenge to my own reading habits. I like to read Science Fiction, Fantasy, and the occasional non-fiction book, mostly history. But as the months went by, I read less and less books, and the less books I read the more odious it seemed to be reading a book I didn’t want to read in the first place. I bought several books for the book club and ended up not reading them.*
I’m still reading a lot – but it’s mostly Old School RPG blogs. I’m subscribed to **287** blogs via Google Reader!
And in the mean time, I still find the occasional recommendation online – intriguing books, interesting subjects, and there’s my Planet Stories subscription to consider.
Planet Stories
And so I sent out a mail to the people who’ve been part of the book club for the longest time, and told that I was quitting. Now I’m sad.
Here’s to readers everywhere, whatever the medium, whatever the interest: Enjoy! 😄
#Life #BookClub
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Les droits du lecteur d’après Pennac ( http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comme_un_roman ):
- Le droit de ne pas lire.
- Le droit de sauter des pages.
- Le droit de ne pas finir un livre.
- Le droit de relire.
- Le droit de lire n’importe quoi.
- Le droit au bovarysme (maladie textuellement transmissible)
- Le droit de lire n’importe où.
- Le droit de grappiller.
- Le droit de lire à haute voix.
- Le droit de nous taire.
- - PierreGaston 2010-10-14 15:12 UTC
- —
Hahaha awesome! 😄
– Alex Schroeder 2010-10-14 16:31 UTC
Alex Schroeder