2010-07-04 Campaign Feedback Reviewed Part 2

This is a continuation of part 1. I’ve changed things around a bit and omitted the two boring questions regarding where to game and the size of the gaming table.

part 1

Hm... What should I make of it? Apparently we have very divergent ideas in some areas, with no clear measures for me to take. 😟

There are a few areas where we can *improve the game*, however:

1. *more descriptions*

2. *more riddles* – but they have to be in-game (which is tough)

It’s also worth noting that things which bothered us in the past no longer show up:

1. nobody complained about the time it takes to resolve one round of combat

2. nobody complained about the rules being too complicated (some people just felt that we don’t need to look everything up at the table right then and there)



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

Overall this sounds like you’re doing a good job and there’s nothing radical to change – unless you as GM feel uncomfortable with things. Consensus is a fine ideal, but sometimes one has to step up for themselves.

– Harald Wagener 2010-07-03 09:04 UTC

Harald Wagener


Although in-game riddles are fun, I don’t think that they have a place in 3.x/4.x systems that rely on a skills mechanic. Riddles are played similar to traps and social settings in these new systems, which basically means a dice roll. You can’t have both worlds. Either the players must eschew skills for “Search” and “Disable Device” and “Bluff” and “Knowledge” (which would be used for solving riddles), or you turn a riddle into a dice roll.

– TimmyD 2010-07-05 09:32 UTC



I think in-game riddles can still work, but they cannot be the kind of traditional, verbal riddles. Assume the party arrives in a village, there are five people there, each reporting a facet of a murder mystery. Now the party can think it through and identify the murderer without requiring spells or skill checks. I just find it hard to set something up like that.

– Alex Schroeder 2010-07-06 11:34 UTC

Alex Schroeder


I don’t know... I think that in a skill-based game, the players will inevitably cry out that “My character would know how to figure this out” and demand a skill check. The role-playing and player/dm interaction is irrelevant.

Check out this short article about Don't Roll, Think! where the author picks on the “Spot” skill. This can equally apply to riddles and problem-solving in game.

Don't Roll, Think!

– TimmyD 2010-07-07 11:31 UTC



I guess that’ll be the point where I draw the line, then. 😄

– Alex Schroeder 2010-07-07 12:00 UTC

Alex Schroeder