2010-06-25 Compile Bitlbee UI-fix branch on Mac OS 10.4
Yeah, I know. Why the hell am I still using Mac OS 10.4 instead of upgrading – or moving to a Debian system? I dunno!
So I was trying to compile the ui-fix branch for BitlBee. It includes the killerbee branch, so it uses libpurple and all that.
- http://code.bitlbee.org/wilmer/ui-fix/ – which requires xmlto…
- http://cyberelk.net/tim/software/xmlto/ – for the documentation, which requires getopt, gettext, and docbook…
- http://software.frodo.looijaard.name/getopt/ – to build xmlto; I also had to use `LDFLAGS=-lintl` in the Makefile to compile it.
- http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ – I already had gettext 0.17 installed, which is where libintl comes from
- next is... the nightmare that is docbook!! >{ http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/wuerg/vomit-smiley-001.gif
I wasted a lot of time on this.
This is so sad.
The sun was shining, too.
I was unable to find something prepackaged for me. So I started to follow the instructions in DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide.
DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide
- Installing the DocBook DTD* – xmlto doesn’t use the latest one so I got version 4.2 – http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbook-xml-4.2.zip and unpacked it. I wanted everything in `/usr/local/share/xml` so that’s what I did – `sudo mv docbook-xml-4.2 /usr/local/share/xml`...
- Installing the DocBook stylesheets* – so now we need stylesheets to create the manpages. I got the following file: http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/docbook-xsl-ns/1.75.2/docbook-xsl-ns-1.75.2.tar.bz2/download and used `sudo mv docbook-xsl-ns-1.75.2 /usr/local/share/xml`...
- How to write an XML catalog file* – next I needed to write the catalog for the minimum stuff I needed. I created a the file `/usr/local/share/xml/docbook.cat` with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
<group prefer="public" xml:base="file:///usr/local/share/xml/" >
publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
rewritePrefix="docbook-xsl-ns-1.75.2/" />
I set the environment variable in my .bashrc: `export XML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/local/share/xml/docbook.cat`.
And with that, `make xmlto` and `make bitlbee` worked!
#Mac #IRC #Bitlbee #Emacs #DocBook