Based on Harold Bakker's APOD script, I offer the following solution. I don’t keep my computer running, so I just install the following Apple Script as a login item (→ System Preferences → Accounts → Login Items):
(* Place your with timeout statement within a try... on error statement to prevent the script from stopping when a timeout occurs. *) try -- Give the script a three minute timeout to prevent problems when this is run as a login item with timeout of 180 seconds do shell script "~/bin/ >> /var/tmp/console.log" -- append the result to the console log end timeout on error errMsg -- display a dialog only if an error occurs display dialog errMsg giving up after 10 end try
You should probably create a new script using the Script Editor on your system, paste the above, and save it as an application. Remember to untick the startup screen checkbox.
You’ll notice that it runs a Perl script called – you should create that directory, put the following Perl script in it, and make it executable. I keep both and in the same ~*bin directory.*
#!/usr/bin/perl 1. This script will download the astronomy picture of the day and set 1. it as the current desktop background. 1. originally by Harold Bakker, 1. 1. changes by Alex Schroeder <> 1. use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->get(""); if ($response->is_success and $response->content =~ /href\="image\/([^\/]+)\/(.*?)"/) { my $url = "$1/$2"; my $filename = $2; $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success) { my ($fh, $tempfile) = tempfile(UNLINK=>0); print $fh $response->content; close $fh; open(F, "|/usr/bin/osascript") or die "Cannot run Apple Script: $!"; print F <<END; tell application "Finder" set pFile to POSIX file "$tempfile" as string set desktop picture to file pFile end tell END } else { die $response->status_line; } } else { die $response->status_line; }
This should work fine as long you restart your computer about once a day. I haven’t made sure that it will try to reuse images, saving the last one in a save place, etc.
#Mac #Desktop #APOD #Perl