Does anybody read these at all? I need to write things down so I won’t forget. I’m trying to install XML::Parser and running into a tiny. I need to run it as root using sudo because I can’t install it using my ordinary account. I hate this and try to remedy the situation once a year. 😄
So it’s that time of the year again. I look at the `o conf` output and can’t find the place where I get to say I want to use `sudo make install` command. I’m also greeted by the following message when I start the CPAN shell, so I’m guessing this could be part of the problem:
There’s a new version (v1.9402) available! [Current version is v1.7602]
I’m trying to run `sudo cpan Bundle::CPAN` to see where that takes me... I actually had to run it several times (three? four?) but it worked in the end. Amazing.
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