2009-05-27 Fight On Issue 5

Fight On! #5 has been released. 😄 ✊ ✌

Fight On

As usual, I have stuff to say about Lulu pricing, and shipping and handling in particular!

| The Spire of Iron and Crystal  | 36 pages  | $9.95      |
| by Matthew Finch               |           |            |
| Swords & Wizardry Monster Book | 140 pages | $11.50     |
| by Matthew Finch               |           |            |
| Knockspell Magazine #2 by      | 86 pages  | $10.15     |
| Matthew Finch                  |           |            |
| Fight On! #5 - Spring 2009 by  | 88 pages  | **$9.00**  |
| Ignatius Umlaut                |           |            |
| Coupon Savings (MAYCONTEST10)  |           | $-4.06     |
| Subtotal                       |           | $36.54     |
| **Shipping and Handling**      |           | **$23.31** |
| **Total**                      |           | **$59.85** |

Shiping and handling is more than 30% – that hurts. I heard that they’re working on International Shipping Solutions. Let’s hope they get their act together, soon. I’m looking at “This should greatly reduce the shipping costs anywhere in Europe.” And I wonder: Are they talking about Europe the continent, or Europe the Union that Switzerland is not part of?

International Shipping Solutions

I’m a bit surprised that the adventure and Knockspell #2 both cost more than Fight On! #5. *grumble*

Ok, now I have to make sure to get something in for #6. Let me see… Due date is *June 27*!

​#RPG ​#Publishing ​#Old School ​#Lulu


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

I heard a rumor that international customers might get cheaper (flat rate) shipping for *three items or less*.

Must remember that for next time.

– Alex Schroeder 2009-05-29 20:30 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Yahoo! My name in lights. It was bound to happen some day.

– Marco 2009-05-30 08:00 UTC