2009-02-04 Kobold Quarterly

I got my printed issues #6, #7, and #8 of Kobold Quarterly today! Yay, all issues resolved ⇒ Alex happy.

Kobold Quarterly

With that, I get to ask myself whether I want to renew or not. Should I read some more Kobold Quarterly? It’s moving towards 4E, and I don’t want to go there. But are Fight On and my Paizo subscriptions good enough a replacement? I’ll have to study the three issues carefully. I hardly spend time reading PDF files, so I haven’t really looked at them until now.

Fight On


​#RPG ​#Publishing


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I must say, the magazines have been lying around the house, and I have yet to pick them up. Somehow the excitement is just lacking. I don’t really think that it’s a question of editions. Maybe it’s because I feel that it isn’t “modules for the game master” enough for me.

That reminds me of a cool quote I just saw regarding D&D 3E:

I honestly think that the more dynamic the combat gets in terms of options for the players, terrain, facing, environmental conditions, spells, maneuvers and abilities, the worse it becomes in terms of arithmetic as the bonuses and penalties come and go and fewer things can be pre-calculated. I don’t really see much of a way to improve that without stripping player options; stacking mods on a roll of a d20 is pretty much the essence of the system. ¹


That’s why I like Labyrinth Lord – and why my players seem not to like it.

Labyrinth Lord

– Alex Schroeder 2009-02-12 15:29 UTC

Alex Schroeder