2008-12-16 Lulu Wishilisti

Hm, I ordered all the stuff I wanted... Time to start a new wishlist.

XP1: The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery


Fight On! #4

Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Version

Knockspell #1

I guess I would buy the *Slumbering Tsar* by *Greg Vaughn* if it ever got published. ² Self-publish, man – like Morten Braten (a.k.a. Thulsa) does for XP1.


That reminds me. _Nicolas Logue_’s *Razor Coast* ³ is late. Very late. “Razor Coast ships in January 2009.” ... “February/March” ⁴


​#RPG ​#Publishing ​#Lulu


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

You could also publish something in the german language fanzine Abenteuerpunkt, no need to do it all in english!

– Haarald 2008-12-16 22:12 UTC



Sehe ich dich morgen Abend? Ich würd’ mir gerne mal ein Exemplar anschauen!

– Alex Schroeder 2008-12-16 23:15 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Check out RPGNOW. Necromancer released the pdfs for Slumbering Tsar 1, Eamonvale Incursion, and Demonheart in pdf at the end of September 09. Slumbering Tsar is $21.99 US. I don’t know when a POD version will be available, but you can at least look at part 1 if you are so inclined. Over on the Necromancergames boards, Bill Webb mentioned that if the pdf of Tsar does well, they may do parts 2 and 3. Tsar is designed to be sandboxy though, part 1 covers the lands around the fallen temple city to Orcus, part 2 and part 3 were going to cover the city itself and the caverns underneath. Check out the Necro board on Paizo if you want to get in touch with Greg Vaughan the author, he does monitor the Slumbering Tsar thread, even if he doesnt respond to every message.

– TheBax 2009-10-06 23:31 UTC



Whoa!!! OK Guys..news at last indeed!

OK Guys..news at last

Thanks for the pointer → 2009-10-07 Necromancer Games Reanimated!

2009-10-07 Necromancer Games Reanimated

– Alex Schroeder 2009-10-07 00:00 UTC

Alex Schroeder


More news on the Slumbering Tsar front. Check out this thread on the Necromancergames messageboards: Bill, Clark, and Greg (Bill Webb and Clark Peterson—owners of Necromancergames and Greg Vaughan, author of Slumbering Tsar) are looking at a patronage model for releasing all of ST for the Pathfinder Rpg. It looks like it will be 15 chapters of about 30,000 words each chapter. Each chapter will be $10. The first chapter is likely to be heavily discounted and some type of discount will be worked out for individuals who purchased the ST1 pdf (since ST1 will be rereleased first). A hardbound book with all three parts included will be sent to those individuals who purchase all 15 chapters (no additional cost for the book, we’ll have to see about shipping). If you don’t play Pathfinder and are interested in a 3.5 version of ST, post in the thread regarding 3.5 statblock data for parts 2 and 3 (Slumbering Tsar has already been written for 3.5, Greg will be converting it to the Pathfinder RPG for the patronage project).

this thread on the Necromancergames messageboards

– TheBax 2010-04-17 20:58 UTC



Wow, I’m surprised to see this baby moving forward after all! I had already given up on it. And apparently *Razor Coast* is still alive. ¹ It feels like the zombie adventures are rising. 😄


$150 is expensive. I’ll still buy it if I get fifteen PDF parts, a printed book of about 500 pages, and free shipping to Switzerland. That’s more expensive than what I’m paying for a Pathfinder Adventure Path but I’m willing to pay because I really, really liked Vault of Larin Karr.

Vault of Larin Karr

Thank’s for the link, TheBax!


– Alex Schroeder 2010-04-17 22:00 UTC

Alex Schroeder


And rise they do. Slumbering Tsar is a go. See this page in the ST thread http://necromancergames.yuku.com/topic/11454?page=7 and look towards the bottom. Shipping for the hardback is free worldwide for those who purchase all 14 (not 15) parts worldwide. Contact necromancergames at yahoo.com with your *RPG Now* order number and order date for a discount on parts 2 and 3. Vaughan may post the 3.5 data after the project is done, and there is a free 3.5 to Pathfinder conversion pdf at http://paizo.com/store/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy89m6.



– TheBax 2010-04-21 14:58 UTC



The Frog God Games site is now live. Head on over to http://talesofthefroggod.com/home and you’ll find links to blurbs on each one of the 14 chapters of Slumbering Tsar. Subscriptions and the first part of the series will be available on 5/15/2010. Btw, thanks for your work on the One Page Dungeon Contest Alex, here’s hoping you return to assist the 2011 contest.


– TheBax 2010-05-05 04:24 UTC



Thanks for the heads up. Added it to 2010-04-21 Slumbering Tsar Awakens.

2010-04-21 Slumbering Tsar Awakens

And thanks for the kind words regarding the One Page Dungeon Contest. 😄

– Alex Schroeder 2010-05-05 10:46 UTC

Alex Schroeder