My current setup:
1. Send my current status to the Identica bot using Adium. I have Adium configured to run an Applescript whenever I do that.
2. The script waits a few seconds and determines the current status by checking the Identica RSS feed.
3. Then the script posts the status to Twitter using the Twitter API.
4. Then the script tells the Adium application to use the status.
Applescript for Mac OS 10.4 _ Adium 1.3.1:_
delay 5 set myStatus to do shell script "~/bin/identica --nick kensanata" do shell script "~/bin/twitter " & quoted form of myStatus tell application "Adium" repeat with theAccount in accounts go online theAccount with message myStatus end repeat end tell
The script that fetches my current status:
#!/usr/bin/perl use XML::RSS; use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Long; my $verbose = undef; sub get_feed { my $url = shift; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->get($url); print $response->code, ' ', $response->message, "\n" if $verbose; return $response->content if $response->is_success; die $response->code, ' ', $response->message, "\n"; } sub get_status { my $url = shift; my $rss = new XML::RSS; my $string = get_feed($url); print $string if $verbose; $rss->parse($string); return $rss->{items}->[0]->{title}; } sub main { my $nick = ''; GetOptions('nick=s' => \$nick, 'verbose' => \$verbose); my $url = "$nick/rss"; warn "No nick specified.\n" unless $nick; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # I assume? my $status = get_status($url) . "\n"; $status =~ s/^$nick: //; print $status; } main();
The twitter status posting script:
#!/bin/sh if test -z "$*"; then echo "Status is missing" 1>&2 exit 1; fi CODE=`curl --silent --output /dev/null --write "%{http_code}" \ --user --data status="$*" \` if test "$CODE" != "200"; then echo "$CODE: Posting failed" 1>&2 exit 1; fi #Twitter #Adium #Software #Web #Bots