I recently had the RPG category of my blog added to the RPG Bloggers Network. Their front page lists about a dozen new RPG related posts, about half of the starting paragraph, a link to the full entry, and a little widget to rate the article. This is what it said about my joining article:
added to the RPG Bloggers Network
★★★★☆ (**3** votes, average: **3.67** out of 5)
When rating other articles I ask myself: Is this an article I’d recommend to others?
I realize that *size* is a killer.
I should keep my articles short. And stop right here.
#Blogs #RPG
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Damn. Now I feel the need to separate my RPG articles into “fit for the network” and just “local” articles. This sucks.
– Alex Schroeder 2008-08-10 19:17 UTC
Nah. Just post and be happy.
It’s a community, so needs a bit of community noise in there to keep things alive. Not every post needs to be (nor *should* be) a top-class article on how to role-play. They’re nice too, but I reckon the place would get elitist too quickly everyone tried too hard.
So make some noise 😄
– greywulf 2008-08-10 19:40 UTC
Good advice. I see that they removed the scoring in the latest incarnation of RPG Bloggers.
I’m not sure what to think of that. I guess I’m relieved. The control freak in me still thinks “long and rambling” or “better than work” or “interesting” and wants to go back and rate those stories. But I guess in a way we were never enough people rating to actually make a difference. And getting rid of the rating lifts some of the weight I mentioned in my post from my own shoulders. A whiff of fresh air.
On a related note, I shall try to post more German RPG stories in the RSP section. We’ll see how that works out.
– Alex Schroeder 2008-08-20 10:24 UTC