2008-02-05 Question Asker Oddmuse Extension Defeated Twice

My wiki is protected by the Oddmuse:QuestionAsker Extension. On 2008-02-02 it was defeated twice and today it was defeated again 2008-02-05. So, what is the problem? Several possibilities:

Oddmuse:QuestionAsker Extension

1. the spammer discovered the correct answer (or keeps giving random answers that are correct often enough)

2. the spammer discovered the secret parameter that bypasses the question (which is how Oddmuse currently makes sure that you only get asked a single question as long as you keep using the same browser on the same machine)

3. the spammer is a human that actually reads and understands the question

We’ll investigate this step by step. First, I’ll change the question and the answer required.

​#Oddmuse ​#Spam