2008-02-05 File Permissions

So, both Claudia and I have merged our iTunes libraries. Now we seem to have permission problems. How best to set it up? `sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/Shared/iTunes` seems a bit weird! How do I use `niutil` and `nireport` to create a new group called `music`, add `claudia` and `alex` to it, and then `sudo chgrp -R music /Users/Shared/iTunes` and `sudo chmod -R g+s /Users/Shared/iTunes` – assuming this is the right way to do it?


Gah, this sux.

To fix the situation right now:

sudo chgrp -R alex /Users/Shared/iTunes
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/Shared/iTunes
sudo find /Users/Shared/iTunes -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' ';'
sudo find /Users/Shared/iTunes -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' ';'

Existing directories will end up using `drwxrwsrwx`. Newly created directories will end up belonging to the group `alex` and with `drwxr-xr-x`. Newly created files will belong to the group `alex` and have `-rw-r--r--`.

​#OSX ​#Unix ​#Permissions ​#Filesystem