Many years ago, when we discovered that there was a shop in the far away city of Zürich that sold Dungeons & Dragons material, we also saw lots of strategy games in the far corners of the shop. How weird!
The years passed and Marcel bought Squad Leader. Many years ago I’ve played the first two scenarios, I think. Today we played through the first scenario again. I think the rules are a bit too complicated, and I’m a bit afraid that while I get used to the rules we used today, the new rules for the next scenario will be just as complicated. We’ll see. I’m fascinated by the second world war and tactical combat, so it might go either way. I’m looking forward to the next session.
I’d be interested in similar games with simpler mechanics. Increase the coolness without increasing the complexity.
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
I remember owning a board game that played very similar to the computer game Panzer General a long time ago; that was great fun to play with superb, logical rules which even a casual board gamer could enjoy. I’m pretty sure it was Panzer Leader, a precursor to Squad Leader.
There’s no shortage of old, classic boardgame in the bins of 2nd-hand bookshops and charity stores around here; I’ll dig around in them for you 😄
Meantime, I’m lost in Car Wars right now.
– GreyWulf 2008-01-19 23:14 UTC