2007-12-11 Looking Back

I posted the following on EN World in answer to a question about the things I still wanted to do in D&D. ¹

EN World


My plans for third edition:

Things I’ve accomplished in 2007:



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

I’m itching to run Pathfinder too. I love it’s hard edge, and the Goblins in Pathfinder #1 are wonderful. I soooo wanna GM them 😄

Savage Tide hasn’t gripped me, sad to say, but Age of Worms did. I dunno; it’s hard to explain why.

– greywulf 2007-12-11 12:58 UTC



Yeah, I’m keen to move forwards with the Echoes of Heaven campaign. Spoke with Roland last weekend and as far as he knows nothing’s planned. If you can find two people to join then we’re good to go.

– Marco 2007-12-11 16:41 UTC