2007-12-05 Second Hand Games

I bought some Xbox 360 games on my way home. I had heard good things about *Call of Duty 4* by “I was born in the wrong century” Marco (as well as scathing criticism of the US patriotism and unreflected celebration of violence), and I had read good things about BioWare’s *Mass Effect*.



So I bough *Mass Effect*, and three second hand games: *Call of Duty 2*, *Call of Duty 3*, and *The Orange Box* (containing *Half-Life 2: Episode Two*, *Team Fortress 2*, and *Portal*).

That should be enough material for another six months.

I was really looking forward to **Assassin’s Creed** but the review in my favorite magazine was not too hot.

(And that reminds me of The Gerstman Thing over on ShamusYoung’s site. If you read game reviews online, you should read that post.)

The Gerstman Thing

