We’ve been keeping little Todo Lists written on paper all over the place. Let’s see whether I manage to migrate them to OrgMode. I think the paper trail will remain important, specially if Claudia and I are to work together on some of these items. The most important thing was therefore to recreate that piece-of-paper look using CSS.
-*- mode: org; -*- #+TITLE: TODO #+AUTHOR: Alex Schroeder #+EMAIL: alex@gnu.org #+LANGUAGE: de #+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil
The original printout is full of handwritten notes
The original printout is full of handwritten notes
My brain just doesn’t work that way.
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Maybe the architecture OrgMode runs on, Emacs, is not suitable. Perhaps you and Claudia need a Web-based bug database system and replace the piece of paper with a tablet computer that can access it. :-P
– AaronHawley 2007-12-21 19:29 UTC
Hahaha. I think requiring a computer that’s always there when we need to jot something down is a show stopper.
It’s a show stopper for our radio & SqueezeBox as well. If my computer is on, I want the box to stream from my iTunes collection. If the computer is off, I want it to connect to the SqueezeNetwork. Since switching takes about half a minute, we rarely do it, and so the box is useless half the time.
At least OrgMode is gratis *and* free. 😄
– Alex Schroeder 2007-12-21 19:59 UTC