2007-06-15 Science Fiction Roleplaying – T20

Hm, I just downloaded the free d20 variant of Traveller – The Traveller’s Handbook, Lite Edition. Reminds me of similar products: GURPS Lite & HARP Lite.



Strange, I still prefer waiting for my *Star Wars Saga Edition* (also using d20 mechanics). Am I a mindless snail filled with advertising, or is Star Wars cooler, or did I miss a number of great Science Fiction books from the seventies detailing the Traveller universe? Maybe I should read Wikipedia’s Traveller article. Except that it is *huge*.


Wikipedia rocks.

It is also full of nuts and geeks.

I’m a geek myself and like Wikipedia. It all fits.

Anyway. Perhaps people just stick with what they loved as kids. I loved Star Wars! 😄