JanneJalkanen comments on an ArsTechnica post saying that several states in the USA have made it harder for shops to sell 2nd hand CDs. ¹ ²
That reminds of another few interesting blog posts of his: Loyalty Day? ³ ⁴ Another illegal number ⁵ Internet radio in the US is dead ⁶ This one also mentioned by MichaelOlson ⁷ .
#USA #Copyright
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Yet again, the stupid RIAA pushes people into the arms of the internet if they want classic music tracks on their ipods.
Oh, what a shame 😄
Let me see..... have my fingerprints taken and be treated like a crook, of snarf music from the comfort of my own home. Tricky choice, that.
– greywulf 2007-05-09 11:20 UTC
I think that piracy is the answer. In order to add my own rhetorical spin to the entire debate, I’ll call myself a *privateer*! “In peacetime, it is a form of legal piracy.” ¹
– Alex Schroeder 2007-05-09 12:20 UTC
Aaaaarrrrr!! 😄
– greywulf 2007-05-11 10:50 UTC