2007-04-24 Wiki Spam By Idiots

Well, I’m being hit by spam of the form

`gdufty upibhmf fknwvl aixqf gumi pqrjxfb ntscbzoyp` `-- [http://www.icxjrg.yamfw.com krwfuq qeysb] 2007-04-24 15:27 UTC`


`egzp supbvqnf qbgtfnyv bmilfzo ewfhl xospqz rtmxfbajo http://www.mvuh.meptrc.com` `-- [http://www.google.com mvny vqahjngdu] 2007-04-24 15:28 UTC`

How stupid is that?

Unfortunately, that means you’ll have to answer a question when you try to post to this site. 🙁

​#Spam ​#Wikis