2007-02-27 One-on-one RPG

Last weekend I wanted to gather some experience using the D&D 3.5 rules (my current campaign is still using the very simple M20 rules). More and more, my players start asking questions – why a rogue gets to do extra damage in this or that situation, how much cover they should be getting, why they cannot transfer some of their to-hit bonus to their damage roll, and they start noticing the simplicity of the skill system.


And since I wanted to provide a gentle roleplaying introduction to Claudia, I offered to run the free [The Wizard's Amulet by Necromancer Games](http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=The+Wizard's+Amulet+Necromancer+Games). The rules worked fine, and we ended after the first combat. It was funny to see how she didn’t quite want to hurt the baby Leucrotta. After the game I decided that I shall try to have more talking and less combat the next time we try this.




Fudge Dice

© Eric S Chernenkoff

dice by Eric S Chernenkoff.jpg Fudge Dice

Fudge Dice

© Eric S Chernenkoff

It was fun to see how she loved to roll the dice, happy if she rolled a natural twenty; taking it personally when her first listen check yielded a six.

On the IRC server irc://chat.psionics.net:6667/ there are several channels I’m on, mostly ​#dnd3e, ​#FUDGE, and ​#game-design. And the Fudge channel makes me want to try the Fudge rules again.



I really need to find a lot more players! 😄

(When I showed her my Fudge dice, and rolled a +4 on my first try, she had to try as well, but failed a dozen times. Her face was fun to watch. Hehehe...)



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

Nothing ever became of 2006-12-01 Finde Spieler? Maybe your advertisement should say you’re willing to take on beginners.

2006-12-01 Finde Spieler

– AaronHawley 2007-02-27 16:05 UTC



Yeah, good idea. Claudia has also suggested I prepare a another flyer and put it up in a few locations (comic shops, university).

(I’m surprised you read the German pages as well!! 😄)

– Alex Schroeder 2007-02-27 21:46 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Great 😄 Dice are wonderfully tactile, aren’t they?

I like the idea fo M20 being use as a stepping stone towards full D&D-ness. I’ll have to think more about that. FUDGE rocks conceptually, but I’ve never been able to convince anyone other than DMs about it’s coolness. Players just don’t seem to like it’s open-ended rules-fiddling nature so much. Strange, that.

– GreyWulf 2007-02-27 22:31 UTC



I’m torn. Assuming I manage to start a week-end group including Claudia, maybe a friend of hers, and perhaps another player from my other group, what should I do: Try Fudge, because the two girls have no preferences, yet? Or try D&D, because I want to learn anyway, and this would make the two groups even more compatible.

I think it will have to be D&D.

As for Ptolus, by the way... I’m reading good things. Including a blog called Praemal Tales. If you check out some of his 3D dungeon building efforts, you’ll have to agree – this guy has no life... 😄

Praemal Tales

And yes, you are right. Fudge seems to appeal to a certain breed of DM, and to none of the players. Oh well. I should rewrite my diceless rules to use Fudge dice – Grofzg With Fudge Dice.

Grofzg With Fudge Dice

– Alex Schroeder 2007-02-28 11:26 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Ptolus is very, *very* good. It’s become our default campaign setting because it’s just such a wonderfully put together city/gameworld. At the same time, it doesn’t feel “locked in” like Eberron or Forgotten Realms. In those worlds, I’m almost afraid to sneeze in case I break canon. There’s no way I’d run a war (or even a minor battle) in the Realms or Eberron in case a new supplement comes out (or is already available) which totally derails that I’m doing in my own game. Ick.

That said, Eberron is a fun setting; of the two, I’m more likely to choose that one because I like it’s Indiana Jones-style gameplay.

Ptolus is streets ahead of both of them (pun intended). Praemal Tales captures the setting brilliantly, btw. And the food they serve pre-game looks amazing. It’s one of my favourite game blogs, definitely.

I like that anything can be added to Ptolus, and it works. I can take a shrine and stick it in a back alley. I can put catacombs under a nobleman’s mansion, and add in any classes and races I want, and it works. That’s hard to do in the Realms or Eberron without a *lot* of thought. In my campaign I’ve added the World Serpent Inn, so the adventurers can literally go anywhere, and still call Ptolus their home. I’m using the Forgotten Realms Underdark supplement too, just to add a little depth to what lies beneath. Ptolus feels open to handling whatever you throw at it. In comparison, the Forgotten Realms and Eberron feel closed tight.

World Serpent Inn


If you haven’t done do already, grab the (free) Player's Guide to Ptolus. It’s the bestest D&D setting there is, imho.

Player's Guide to Ptolus

– GreyWulf 2007-02-28 16:25 UTC



Why, oh Why, do I have to live way out in Seattle?!?

– LionKimbro 2007-03-01 09:23 UTC



I don’t understand. In the last unscientific list I saw, Seattle was #4 roleplaying city! ¹


You should be having the time of your life in Seattle...

Now if you were complaining because you’re not gaming with Greywulf, I’d understand. I heard that he even roleplays over the phone... How cool is that?

– Alex Schroeder 2007-03-01 09:31 UTC

Alex Schroeder


Heh. My reputation preceeds me. Whether that’s a good thing, I’m not sure.

I’m sure that Seattle should be a very cool place for gamers though. Lion, post a message looking for gamers at the ENWorld forums. I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

ENWorld forums

– GreyWulf 2007-03-01 10:12 UTC



Having the time of my life out here in Seattle?

Nah; I just want to play D&D w/ Alex.

Sadly, there’s this business with an ocean and a bunch of land. So we have to content ourselves with the Internet Plane of Shadows.

– LionKimbro 2007-03-02 08:48 UTC



Hehe. I’m not “online” enough to actually suggest a virtual gaming table... 😄 Fantasy Grounds does look spectacular, though.

Fantasy Grounds

– Alex Schroeder 2007-03-02 15:21 UTC

Alex Schroeder


I will have to make do with the CommunityWikiRpg, wherein I build ideas, map strange new territories, invoke cryptic incantations, and, uh... ...follow Recent Changes.

We should redo our FrontLawn pages as character sheets. “VERBOSITY: 15”

– LionKimbro 2007-03-03 02:18 UTC
